Thursday, August 7, 2008


WOW! Am I not excited to see someone here now together with me in this blog? I hardly see any visitors coming by when I am busy editing or writing new posts. Ha ha ha, that make two of us, the author and the visitor. I just wonder, who it was that came by.

BUT tonight, I would like to express my thanks to all who have dropped in and passed comments, who passed no comments, silent visitors and who has actively participated with me. The first of such person who dropped by and say something was Beebe- en-rose, Nature Lover and most recently Hear.Me.Out.

The father and daughter team was my ex classmate when I was young. He, Dr.Azahar, started blogging since those days. One of WEH's daughter had by chance discovered his blog when she was browsing through a couple of years ago. Then I started reading his stories.

Beebe and I started almost at the same time after we were both motivated by Awang Goneng aka Wan Hulaimi, the author of GUiT which occupied a wonderful blog by the name of Kecek-Kecek.

My most recent visitor is a young student in Matrics who was to leave his current studies to pursue his degree in Medicine, in Egypt. His comment is usually short, written in short forms which are legible by me. He came across my blog through one of my children, via her sms.

A very bright law student also came by after discovering my blog name in her father's blog. She is one of her kind. Should read about her in her dad's blog, Nature Lover. As a young girl, at that time, she managed one incident that involved her sick mother (she was taken ill suddenly) so well that I do not think any others would react as such today.

Each day I notice the counter is increasing, the number gets bigger and larger. Its exciting. So, there are visitors to this blog, silent visitors. My writes are not written in such a beautiful language with bombastic words, jargons and all. Its only a plain Jane language that looks simple and straight forward. Perhaps that tells a secret if you could guess...I won't spill the beans...

Others who have come by: Kak Moon and Abang Kamil, old friends, friends of my friends, Rohiyah, Zah Nor, Zaemah, my children (under persuasion) and most of them ...I do not know their names.

I enjoy reading other blogs too: Beebe, Kecek-kecek, Here In The Hills, Karin Frozen In Time, Nature Lover, Hear.Me.Out, Aiman Amani, Santai2 with Kak E and.....ow too many to mention here. Aiman Amani is only thirteen. She could write beautifully amazing posts. You should read it. She is the daughter to AG's Pizza Man in GUiT's delivery last December '07. I could see she is thriving in writing Teregganuspeak.

Subjects written in my blog evolved and involved special people in my life and around me: specifically and surely of my little hero - Amir Harith, my beloved children, of special people I knew and have once or twice crossed my path in life, frustrated episodes in lives that were told by others, shared and experienced by close friends and me.

Some writes are meant as reminder to me personally...


azahar said...

That, in short is the power of Internet and blogs.

I was forever amazed at how blogs did it - bringing back old lost friends (like the case of WEH's child bringing us together), telling stories to pacify one's restlessness(a lady called me to know more about his late brother who drowned when he was in SDAR after knowing that I was from SDAR), replacing the need to write letters for friends (my daughter still keeps in touch with her Standard 2 friends!)

So, go on blogging...

kak e said...

what a pleasant surprise, leaving a comment on my posting, of which i have left unattended for quite a while. thanks for reminding. sure, i will write something. it's not that i have not been writing, i'v been writing alright, but not in the blog- im quite occupied with my thesis writing at the moment, and been quite a while since i had my 'santai'! insyaAllah this school hols there'll be something to blog about! btw, what a bliss to see my blog mentioned in your posting, i am thrilled!!

RoyalTLady said...

BUT of course I should mention. You were the only one "authorise" me in the technorati..............

I was even more thrilled by that. TQ dear.

What thesis are you writing? for your Ph.D I suppose?

All the best...

Ginnie said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I find your blog very interesting and will put it on my list of ones to visit frequently.
Your baby in the last post is absolutely adorable.
Now I will have to get my maps out and figure exactly where you are.
All the best on your blog.

RoyalTLady said...


Thank you for visiting me in my blog.

Amir Harith is my first grandson. I have my hands full with him daily...

I am sure after this you would get more Malaysians dropping by in your blog...especially my friends and bloggers who come by...

Its so wonderful to know there are even more senior ladies in this blog.

Melissa said...

Dear RoyalTLady,

Thank you so much for stopping by Sunbonnet Cottage to say "Hello".

It's nice to meet you.

Sunbonnet Cottage

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. It's so nice to "meet" you! hope you are having a happy week.

RoyalTLady said...

Mel and Lidy

Thanks for a return visit. Much appreciated. I was going to edit my latest post when I noticed your visits and I don't want to delay responding, I am simply excited!

Your blogs are great inspiration to me...I cannot resist but write my comments.

kak e said...

Yup, Ph.D... not much time left, but so much more to do!