Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.

For the abundant gifts of intelligent, scholarly and Islamic friends and teachers.  They not only lead me and the others into the road and path of truths, Ad- Deen and Islamic ways but at the same time, moments of truth are greatly revealed, discovered, practised and shared.  Ability to segregate the truth, halal and shirk is among the best of Allah-given gifts ever received and bestowed upon us.

I am so far behind in understanding the fundamentals and learning the Islamic principles, the Islamic teachings of Aqidah/tauhid, Fiqh, Syariat and so much more.  I feel so little, blank and almost zero with knowledge each time I attend a kuliah at the masjid.  The are vast knowledge yet to discover to be able to become a better Muslim.

However, new discoveries are made from day to day which bring not only great scholarly friends who are more soleh, into our circle but new knowledge as well.  This shows how naive I have been before.  But this does not mean I am better now either.  Am still in the process of learning and trying to understand them. 

What am trying to share here is simply, Discover the Al Quran with Iman, Reading the  Al Quran, Understanding the Al Quran, Practising THOSE that we have learned to enhance learning, Spreading to others in ways we understand them.  Make Al Quran our pillar in our lives so that we do not stray too far off the true road, the Road Towards Allah's Centred.

Before we are able to understand all these, first, we have to discover ourselves.  Learn where we came from, who created us, who is me, we and ourselves and  more.  Look at our own physical being, look into our bodies, pause and discover our origin.. Discover, pause and ponder upon Allah's creations on all parts of our bodies, organs, bones, flesh, arms, legs, head and so on.  When we understand these formation, lets get connected to ourselves.

Make repentance, forgive ourselves, beg for forgiveness from parents and family members...make du'a for ourselves.... others that we know and we do not know.  May our lives be better than before... 

Make your choice wisely, appropriately and intelligently. Make sure when Allah ask you in the hereafter, you are ready with appropriate answers.

Dear Bloggers..

Apologies to all my blog visitors.
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Yes, and I don't enjoy receiving comments from "unintelligent" bloggers who ask me funny questions.
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Enjoy your reading and visits.
I welcome intelligent comments.  
Have a nice day.