Chosen some healthy tuber
For me to plant
In my vegetable plots
For me to plant
In my vegetable plots
Placed them on a raised bund
Confident they would grow
When heavy showers came
With torrential falls
They rerouted their destiny
One day I was looking
But no where to be found
On different patch
Not even on the soil
But on the bund
I replaced them
Nicely under other plants
Apparently they lived
Giving out healthy leaves
I waited till the day
I was making bubur lambuk
Looking for them
To pluck but
They have been helped
This time by grasshopper
Never mind that
They needed to eat
Plants are meant to be shared
A little correction on your writing on Saffron.
Many people confuse saffron with tumeric (kunyit). Why? Because both give yellow colour when added to food.
However, they are very diferent. Tumeric is a tuber whereas saffron comes from the flower.
And, Saffron is very expensive!
I remember when we were in US my wife used to cook nasi goreng China, with lots of shredded chicken and prawns. For colour, she used tumeric. Many of my American friends thought that we used saffron.
eh? siput has eaten away my daun kunyit?????????????
Today, semua gambar hilang, Y 'aaaaa?
Thank you for the correction and info. So, what do we call daun kunyit in English then?
I shall correct the title of my poem later.
I normally use the daun to lapik kuali in "ikang bako" cooking. It gives aromatic ikang bako..which we sometimes cicoh with budu mixed with segha potong haloh2, chillies, onions, lime juice, and on those days when they are not available, pppoyok mixed with garlic, fresh pounded tumeric would do, or even kicap with plenty of onions, chillies and all.
Sedak tau, cubelah.
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