Friday, February 27, 2009


After visiting and patronizing this Green Eco "SPA" on a slab stone... I began reading about anti-oxidant. The air, the beauty cream, the supplement, oh gosh! Is my conclusion too rude to be true? They lead to coronary problems?

Sandals are left outside, facing strong noon sunlight. Later to be neatly arranged by the lady-cleaner. Greeting us are the manager and her assistant who could explain almost next-to-nothing-satisfying -facts.

Once payment is made, the beautiful slim lady gives us our towels, two glasses of plain anti-oxidant water, green culottes and a wrapped-over-blouse and a key to the locker to keep our personal belongings. After changing, we would find our way to our respective room. They are called by Japanese names like Sakura and the like.

40 minutes in a 40 degrees Centigrade room - of lying down, in any position you so wish... you would surely sweat it out! YES indeed! I was sweating profusely. What was it supposed to do to you? Not clearly explained by the manager in-charge. I went along to feel the "anti-oxidant" treatment. Loosing weight? Perhaps. But not on the first treatment.

The room was furnished with special anti-oxidant paints, floor materials, wall materials and I suppose even the lights and fittings. It is of Japanese technology. After your time runs out, you leave the room and into the "cooling area". Once ready, we take our shower using anti-oxidant soap that works both as shampoo and bath soap.

Meanwhile a lady-cleaner would come and wipe away (cleaning?) the sweat you shed, in just a few wipes off she went.

Gosh! Where did our sweat go? Into the towels of this cleaning lady or into the floor? Who would be able to tell? AND guess what? It might just get into the body of the next person lying down in the same slab stone of six feet by two sized. If the room is shared with three other strangers... could you imagine the "sweat and aura" that already filled the room as you entered? Your body is actually sharing their excreted "AIR". Is this some kind of healthy environment, anti -oxidant?

From the business point of view, it requires a large investment to design and build such a Spa. It is not messy with herbs or ointment splashing about. Does not require many personnel to attend to customers, minimum number of staffs required, opening hours are flexible, no massaging involved, support materials are available to be purchased. Beauty cream, massaging cream, pillow case, mattress protector, pail for fermenting fruits, special water filter are all anti-oxidant in nature. Not forgetting even the air in the whole area is anti-oxidant! All these cost us Malaysia Ringgit 1 m to start.

I would not comment on health and treatments for some diseases (cancer, heart/cardiac problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke etc.) .. as I am not well conversant in these subjects.

Perhaps bloggers who have gone to this kind of anti-oxidant Spa treatment could share your views with me... so that I feel better.


azahar said...

Anti-oxidants are things that combine with and neutralize dangerous free radicals in the body.

Simply speaking anti-oxidants are found in many coloured vegetables. Moringa leaves have lots of anti-oxidant.

I never believe in expensive spas claiming they can do miracles...

Barbara said...

Hello! Nice to meet you.

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. Interesting you lived in Newcastle. My husband was born in Gateshead which I am sure you will know is the other side of the rive to Newcastle.

Have just been reading through a few of your posts and find it interesting to readabout the life of another blogger living in a different culture. See you are also a Grandmother too.
I will come back and read some more later.

RoyalTLady said...

Yes Barbara,

I am a granny blogger too. Thank you for coming all the way... but the journey in cyber is such a wonderful experience. WE meet, make friends and we like each other instantly because all of us have common cause and vision... blogging to share common interest and scribes.

Yes, I remember Gateshead and the river. I remember Newcastle Infirmary the most ...