Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.
For the abundant gifts of intelligent, scholarly and Islamic friends and teachers. They not only lead me and the others into the road and path of truths, Ad- Deen and Islamic ways but at the same time, moments of truth are greatly revealed, discovered, practised and shared. Ability to segregate the truth, halal and shirk is among the best of Allah-given gifts ever received and bestowed upon us.
I am so far behind in understanding the fundamentals and learning the Islamic principles, the Islamic teachings of Aqidah/tauhid, Fiqh, Syariat and so much more. I feel so little, blank and almost zero with knowledge each time I attend a kuliah at the masjid. The are vast knowledge yet to discover to be able to become a better Muslim.
However, new discoveries are made from day to day which bring not only great scholarly friends who are more soleh, into our circle but new knowledge as well. This shows how naive I have been before. But this does not mean I am better now either. Am still in the process of learning and trying to understand them.
What am trying to share here is simply, Discover the Al Quran with Iman, Reading the Al Quran, Understanding the Al Quran, Practising THOSE that we have learned to enhance learning, Spreading to others in ways we understand them. Make Al Quran our pillar in our lives so that we do not stray too far off the true road, the Road Towards Allah's Centred.
Before we are able to understand all these, first, we have to discover ourselves. Learn where we came from, who created us, who is me, we and ourselves and more. Look at our own physical being, look into our bodies, pause and discover our origin.. Discover, pause and ponder upon Allah's creations on all parts of our bodies, organs, bones, flesh, arms, legs, head and so on. When we understand these formation, lets get connected to ourselves.
Make repentance, forgive ourselves, beg for forgiveness from parents and family members...make du'a for ourselves.... others that we know and we do not know. May our lives be better than before...
Make your choice wisely, appropriately and intelligently. Make sure when Allah ask you in the hereafter, you are ready with appropriate answers.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Dear Bloggers..
Apologies to all my blog visitors.
Yes, you get filtered for all your comments. Spams are automatically trashed.
Yes, and I don't enjoy receiving comments from "unintelligent" bloggers who ask me funny questions.
Yes, please avoid unnecessary comments.
My blog platform is mentioned at the bottom of my page.
Enjoy your reading and visits.
I welcome intelligent comments. Have a nice day.
Yes, you get filtered for all your comments. Spams are automatically trashed.
Yes, and I don't enjoy receiving comments from "unintelligent" bloggers who ask me funny questions.
Yes, please avoid unnecessary comments.
My blog platform is mentioned at the bottom of my page.
Enjoy your reading and visits.
I welcome intelligent comments. Have a nice day.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Kemusnahan Tanah Suci Mekah Yang Telah Disembunyikan.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Aku agak bersetuju dengan semua point2 yang dia kemukakan. Bacaan yang menarik untuk semua. Try baca dulu. Tak setuju takpe. Takde masalah untuk berbeza.
Konsep Baru Mekah
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pembaca.
Hari ni nak sembang-sembang pasal perkembangan sejarah sikit sebanyak. Walaupun nampak macam lari sikitniche blog ni yang lebih kepada kesihatan dan bisnes tapi anyway sekali-sekala tak salahkan?!
Just nak sedarkan dari terlambat dan sebenarnya niche blog ni yang hakiki adalah KESEDARAN. Sebab mungkin ramai orang TAHU tapi sedikit sangat orang yang SEDAR. So, kerja saya adalah untuk sedarkan serami mungkin orang yang masih tidur.
Siapa yang baru sahaja pulang dari umrah sekarang pasti membawa gambar-gambar kawasan Arab Saudi yang semakin maju, gilang gemilang dengan segala puncak menara di merata-rata ceruk Mekah dan Madinah. Sebanyak $ 26 billion telah dibelanjakan untuk tujuan ini. Tapi tahukah anda, apa yang berlaku di sebaliknya?!
Dari apa yang kita boleh lihat struktur ikonik lama Masjidil Haram telah pun dimusnahkan untuk memberi laluan kepada rekaan model lebih kontemporari. Pemusnahan bangunan Masjidil Haram yang dibina oleh kerajaan Ottoman/Uthmaniyah ini menerima tentangan ramai pihak terutamanya ahli arkaelogi yang merasakan kerajaan Saudi merosakkan struktur bersejarah Islam tanpa mempedulikan kesannya.

Pihak Saudi memberi alasan bangunan binaan kerajaan Ottoman/Uthmaniyah ini mempunyai rekaan bida’ah/syirik kerana terdapat ukiran nama sahabat. Selain itu juga terdapat perancangan untuk memusnahkan stukutur kubah Masjid Nabawi sekarang kerana ia juga dikatakan tidak cukup Islamik.
Kenapa tidak cukup Islamik? Kerana kubah hijau yang menutupi makam Rasulullah SAW juga dikatakan bida’ah. Kubur tidak boleh mempunyai tanda mengikut fahaman Wahhabi. Kuburan Saidina Umar dan Abu Bakar yang disemadikan bersebelahan makan Rasulullah juga akan dimusnahkan suatu hari nanti jika keadaan ini berterusan.
Walaupun atas nama pemodenan dan pembesaran Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi, tetapi itu bukanlah tiket khas untuk menutup sejarah dan tempat tinggalan Nabi SAW dan para sahabat!
Persoalan ini membawa kepada soalan seterusnya, iaitu, “Mengapa hanya pihak SAUDI mempunyai hak membentuk arah tuju Mekah dan Madinah? Kenapa tiada persetujuan diambil terlebih dahulu sebelum projek pembinaan/pemusnahan ini dilakukan? dan haruskah Mekah dan Madinah berada di bawah jajahan keluarga Al Saud”
Kesemua projek naik taraf dan pembangunan di kedua-dua kota suci Islam ini dilakukan di bawah arahan Raja dari keturunan Saud, sebab tu nama negara tersebut Arab Saudi. Beliau juga digelar “Penjaga Dua Masjid Utama”.
Keyword disini ialah PENJAGA dan bukannya TUAN PUNYA. Di dalam Islam sendiri kita sedia maklum wujud konsep MUSYAWARAH. Jadi mengapa tiada musyawarah dilakukan diantara kesemua pemimpin negara Islam untuk membincangkan hala tuju permodenan Mekah dan Madinah?
Pihak Saudi nampaknya sangat autokratik dalam membuat keputusan permodenan. Tak mengapalah untuk keselesaan orang awam tapi kalau dah sampai menghancurkan termpat-tempat sejarah sahabat dan Nabi SAW, apa cerita ni?!

Kemudian semua projek pembinaan diberikan kepada firma Saudi Bin Ladin Group. Kita semua sedia maklum bila seseorang Muslim itu menderma kepada pembinaan sebuah masjid, surau atau tanah wakaf, pahala dari pemberian mereka itu akan berterusan sehingga hari kiamat. Kenapakah keluarga Al Saud dan Bin Ladin memonopoli projek ini tanpa perbincangan dari semua negara Islam?
Tidak banyak pemimpin Muslim yang berani menegur monopoli 2 masjid suci ini untuk kerabat dan kroni mereka sendiri? Hanya Presiden Turki dan Iran yang mempunyai semangat dan keberanian untuk mempersoalkan kemusnahan bangunan bersejarah Islam di Kota Mekah dan Madinah yang sedang giat dilakukan kerajaan Saudi. Mereka juga membantah pengkomersilan melampau yang berlaku di Mekah.

Contoh pengkomersilan melampau ialah Raffles Makkah Palace, hotel mewah siap dengan butler yang terletak bersebelahan Masjidil Haram. Menara jam gergasi yang ada sekarang pula rata-rata dipersetujui telah mengalihkan perhatian umat Islam dari memandang Kaabah.
Saya yakin anda pasti bersetuju bahawa tarikan utama Mekah sepatutnya ialah untuk beribadah dan melihat Kaabah. Bukannya pergi hotel mewah dan jam gergasi tertinggi di dunia. Agak ironik rumah nabi, sahabat, makam isteri-isteri nabi dan telaga nabi dimusnahkan kerana “bida’ah” dan di atas tapak yang diratakan itu pu dibina cawangan makanan ‘HARAM’ Starbucks, Marks and Spencer, Raflles Hotel dan McDonalds.

Antara kesan yang nyata akibat permodenan Mekah dan Madinah ialah kos untuk menunaikan haji serta umrah menjadi terlalu mahal. Ini mengakibatkan umat Islam yang sepatutnya sudah mampu menunaikan haji terpaksa mengumpul lebih banyak wang untuk memenuhi rukun Islam ke 5.
Ramai golongan tua yang baru pulang umrah mengeluh Mekah yang mereka lawati pada tahun 90-an ketika menunaikan haji dahulu sudah hilang. Menurut mereka pengkomersilan yang melampau membuatkan Mekah terasa seperti seakan sebuah theme park dan bukan lagi tempat untuk beribadat kepada Allah.
Salah siapa kalau bukan kerajaan-kerajaan Islam sendiri yang memberikan keluarga As-Saud keizinan mutlak untuk melakukan apa yang mereka suka. Kalau berani bersuara kuota Haji negara akan dikurangkan oleh As-Saud and Co. Islamik kah ini?!
Last but not least mungkin lebih baik jika Makkah dan Madinah menjadi mini country seperti Vatican dimana penjaganya digantikan mengikut undian umat Islam. That way tak ada one person yang boleh buat keputusan sesuka hati. Ini juga akan membebaskan Mekah dari menjadi milik keluarga As-Saud untuk mendesak negara Islam lain untuk menutup mulut mereka atau dikurangkan kuota apabila sebarang rancangan mereka digugat atau dipersoalkan.

Masjidil Haram 2020: Sanggupkah kita kehilangan segala tinggalan Rasulullah SAW?!
Semoga Allah membantu kita semua dan Islam walaupun saya sedar bahawa salah satu daripada tanda akhir zaman atau kiamat kecil adalah apabila kaum yang dahulunya mengembala kambing di gurun-gurun mula berlumba-lumba membina bangunan yang tinggi-tinggi (atas tujuan menonjolkan kekayaan mereka).
Moga Allah sentiasa merahmati kita dan memahamkan kita betapa pentingnya peninggalan sejarah tamadun awal Islam kepada kita.
*Bagi yang tidak keberatan untuk kongsi pengetahuan ini bersama orang lain, sila SHARE post ini. Semoga ia menjadi manfaat untuk semua rakan-rakan anda yang memerlukan post ini dalam usaha untuk hidup lebih sihat, ceria dan bahagia.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
MISSING MH370: Hishammuddin’s full statement on March 21
KUALA LUMPUR : Following is the statement by Defence Minister and acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein at a press briefing on the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370, in Sepang, Selangor, today:
"Malaysia continues to work on the diplomatic, technical and logistical challenges involved in the search for MH370.
"We are still awaiting information from the Australian search and rescue operation as to whether the objects shown in the satellite images released by Australia yesterday are indeed related to MH370.
"In the meantime, we are continuing search and rescue operations in the rest of the southern and northern corridors. I will now give you a brief operational update.
Operational update
"Search efforts southwest of Perth continue, and the Australian authorities are intensifying their efforts in the area. HMAS Success is due to reach the vicinity of the objects tomorrow."
"China has deployed five ships and three ship-borne helicopters, which are currently heading toward the southern corridor.
Three Chinese aircraft (two Ilyushin IL-76s and one Shaanxi Y-8) arrived in Malaysia at 11 am this morning.
They will also be searching in the southern corridor.
"Japan is deploying its assets to Perth, including two P-3 Orions, to assist with the Australian search efforts.
"This morning I have spoken with the acting High Commissioner from the United Kingdom, who confirmed that the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Razak) has spoken to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (David Cameron), and that HMS Echo is already heading towards the southern Indian Ocean to support the search effort.
He also confirmed that the UK will be providing us with a list of possible assets that can be deployed if needed.
"He also has reaffirmed that, in addition to the technical support provided so far, it stands ready to provide further specialist search and investigative assistance once more information about the fate of MH370 becomes known.
"I have also been in touch with the French delegation, which is led by the French Ambassador to Malaysia, and includes the man who led the investigation into the Air France 447 crash. They have agreed to assist us with their considerable experience and expertise."
"I will also be speaking to the United States Secretary of Defence at 9.15 pm tonight to request further specialist assets to help with the search and rescue efforts, including remotely-operated vehicles for deep ocean salvage.
"The Kazakhstan authorities have assured us that they have found no trace of MH370 and we are awaiting permission for Kazakhstan to be used as a staging point for search operations.
"On the police investigation, the Ukraine police have confirmed that the background checks on the Ukrainian passenger have come back clear.
Satellite data processing
"I would like to briefly discuss the processing of the Inmarsat data.
"The investigations team received the complete raw Inmarsat satellite data, which included the six handshakes at approximately 3 pm on Wednesday, March 12."
"This type of data is not normally used in investigations of this sort.
It is only because we have so little other information to go on in this difficult and unprecedented situation that the data is being used.
"Upon receiving the raw data, the Malaysian authorities immediately discussed with the US team how this information might be used. The US team and the investigations team then sent the data to the US, where further processing was needed before it could be used.
"Initial results were received on Thursday, March 13 at approximately 1.30 pm, but it was agreed by the US team and the investigations team that further refinement was needed, so the data was again sent back to the US.
"The results were received at approximately 2.30 pm on Friday, March 14 and presented to the investigations team at a high-level meeting at 9 pm on Friday.
The UK AAIB, who had also been processing this data independently, presented their results - which concurred with ours and those of the US team – at that meeting.
"The Prime Minister was briefed on this satellite information at 8 am Saturday, March 15 and publicly announced it at the press conference at Saturday lunchtime.
Search and rescue operations were immediately shifted to the northern and southern corridor."
Family care
"Last night in Kuala Lumpur we held a briefing for the relatives of those on board MH370. As I mentioned in yesterday’s statement, the briefing was to update family members on the latest developments and to answer questions and clear up any confusion.
"The meeting was well attended by family members from different nations, including Malaysia and by representatives from the Chinese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
"A high-level Malaysian delegation, including representatives from Malaysia Airlines, the Department of Civil Aviation, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council also attended the meeting.
"We had a very constructive and frank discussion. Although we answered most of the questions they raised, we could not answer them all.
These briefings will continue, at the families’ convenience, for as long as the families want them.
"The briefing brought the families and the Malaysian authorities closer together, not just in terms of sharing information, but also in terms of listening to the voice of the family members."
"The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China will be co-ordinating the briefings in Kuala Lumpur from now on.
"The high-level team I announced yesterday arrived in Beijing last night. Today they met with family members for three and half hours.
Concluding remarks
"This continues to be a multinational effort co-ordinated by Malaysia and involving dozens of countries from around the world.
We continue to receive offers of assistance, including specialist assets that can help with the search and rescue.
We welcome all assistance as we continue to follow every credible lead." -- BERNAMA

Defence Minister and acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein at a press briefing on the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 Also present were Department of Civil Aviation director general Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, MAS chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, and prime minister's special envoy to China Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting. Pix by NSTP/ Fariz Iswadi Ismail.
Assalamualaikum Friends,
I have tons of reasons to apologise to my frequent blog visitors for being absent from this blog land... I am not blaming anyone though but FB certainly has filled up my time. Does it happen to you as well?
To all friends who came by and send thousands of comments I must say THANK YOU. Though some have gone into their appropriate comment's posting.. there are those I should mention also... if they do not appear rightfully, they are spam.
2014 has been such a very eventful year for me, my family and this beloved country of ours.
For some reasons, we have to move on. Allah has done wonders to my life. Separated from those "HE" doesn't want me to continue "living" with. LIFE has to go on, with His guidance and constance Blessings.
Alhamdulillah, my days are filled with activities that touch peoples' hearts.
Till we meet again with more exciting postings... I wish you a prosperous 2014... a quarter has passed but lets all look forward for more exciting, more eventful and much blessed another three quarter of 2014. Aameen.
I have just realised... exactly a year ago I posted my last posting... ain't it awful?
FOR those making inquiries about my blog...
1. Yes, I did meddle with the colours to suit my taste.
2. My banner was my own glass painting ...
3. The rest were trial and errors from the time I took hold of this platform.
4. You have to have patience and keep changing till you are satisfied with your "blog appearance".
I have tons of reasons to apologise to my frequent blog visitors for being absent from this blog land... I am not blaming anyone though but FB certainly has filled up my time. Does it happen to you as well?
To all friends who came by and send thousands of comments I must say THANK YOU. Though some have gone into their appropriate comment's posting.. there are those I should mention also... if they do not appear rightfully, they are spam.
2014 has been such a very eventful year for me, my family and this beloved country of ours.
For some reasons, we have to move on. Allah has done wonders to my life. Separated from those "HE" doesn't want me to continue "living" with. LIFE has to go on, with His guidance and constance Blessings.
Alhamdulillah, my days are filled with activities that touch peoples' hearts.
Till we meet again with more exciting postings... I wish you a prosperous 2014... a quarter has passed but lets all look forward for more exciting, more eventful and much blessed another three quarter of 2014. Aameen.
I have just realised... exactly a year ago I posted my last posting... ain't it awful?
FOR those making inquiries about my blog...
1. Yes, I did meddle with the colours to suit my taste.
2. My banner was my own glass painting ...
3. The rest were trial and errors from the time I took hold of this platform.
4. You have to have patience and keep changing till you are satisfied with your "blog appearance".
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