Tuesday, June 1, 2010



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1. I am horrified at the violence employed by Israel to stop the ships from carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza (read here). The ships are in international waters, yet the arrogant Israelis do not care to respect international laws and convention.

2. The claim that the people on the ships are carrying sharp objects is ridiculous. Are they going to fight the well armed Israeli soldiers with sharp objects?

3. Do Israeli soldiers shoot to kill people carrying sharp objects? The act is most cowardly and deserving only of brutes, not civilised people.

4. What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity.



By elizaAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:38 AM

Salam YAB ayahanda Tun:

I am very sadden by this. They have no rights to
attack the ship in the first place. Flying in and attack the ship must have terrorize those on the ship.

There is no sense of civilization and diplomacy in Israelis and yet they can get away from doing anything, including killing and lying. They lie and lie and yet the world keep on accepting their unscrupulous act.

At the point of writing this, I have yet to see any comment from Obama administration condemning this ruthless act except being concerned.http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iuQm_Y01E7nGKMGGUeDfWnAcxjLwD9G1S3U80. After all the bond is unbreakable.http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iuQm_Y01E7nGKMGGUeDfWnAcxjLwD9G1S3U80. That is how bias a nation can be. What a shame!


By balq97Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:31 AM

Ya Allah...Kau jahanamkanlah negara Israel...Pulangkanlah kedamaian dan keamanan ke bumi suci palestin....

By ElvinAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 1:01 AM

And terrorist North Korea is roundly condemned by US for sinking Cheonan, what will US say about this? Needless to say US will veto any UN resolutions and let Israel off with a slap on the wrist.

By rizuaniAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:59 AM

Salam Tun yang dikasihi,

Dengan ini saya telah menutup FB dan akan berpindah ke www.myfriends2u.com. Ini adalah tindakan saya mengutuk Israel dan dapatlah kiranya Tun yang dikasihi dan pembaca sekalian memberi sokongan terhadap Social Community Portal Malaysia ini.

Wasalam Tun

Mohd Rizuani

By intannuratiqahAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:46 AM

The world has become blind. Obama can do nothing because he is just nothing except Israel's new toy!
Worse is, we,muslim countries only can watch & see.. The first step is just as simple as to be united! Stop being their dog!! So,wake up muslim;s countries!!!

By life is not a fairy tale dudeAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:32 AM

Oleh kerana Israel sudah membuktikan kesamsengan mereka, maka seluruh negara Arab di Timur Tengah wajar bertindak dengan bijak.

Saya mencadangkan agar Tun Dr Mahathir menjadi orang tengah menyatukan negara-negara di Timur Tengah dan mencadangkan agar kekuatan ketenteraan di negara Timur Tengah diperkasakan. Negara Timur Tengah juga patut berbaik dengan negara China, Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan yang tak berani disentuh Amerika Syarikat.

Wajar contohi negara Iran yang mempunyai kuasa nuklear kerana Amerika dan Yahudi pun mempunyai kuasa Nuklear.

By Joe TherapistAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:29 AM

Dear Tun,

Interesting to note. Isreal is not the only country blocking Supply to Gaza. Egypt is doing the same. And if i'm not mistaken, When a group of them sent supplies via Trucks, Our Malaysians were inprisoned as well. They had trouble. No doubt no loss of life but i have to Ask WHY? You never highlighted this. Why would an Islamic country deny Help to a fellow Muslim at their Doorstep? It is because Egypt denies entry that they had to go by Boat.

So now they go by boat. They are attacked. 12 people Die. Israelis' say they were attacked, The boat people say otherwise. Those who support Palestine will say Israel is at fault, those who support Israel will say they need to investigate the matter.

Reminds me of an incident where Some Authorities shot at some teenagers, Claimed they were attacked, there was a weapon initially but then no Weapon found at the scene, The victims foot was on the Accelerator and yet they claimed he tried to reverse into them. One innocent life was lost. Has Justice been served in that incident? Was there a war we didn't know about?

If anything, that incident says that we should not Rely on mainstream media that is one sided. American News will report For the Israelis, Our News will report for The Gaza People, You will CONDEMN the attack as Outrageous and Demand blood. Anyone, Interested in the Truth?? I wonder.

Politicians will now Jump at the opportunity to highlight their 'Disgust' to gain support. Everyone wants to gain popularity. At the expense of these people's lives. Is anyone Interested in the TRUTH? Can we really help the People there when we are in such a mess.

I will pray for the souls that are lost. I will pray for those with the Courage to speak the Truth. I know you will too.

God Bless Tun

By adikzone2601Author Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:25 AM

salam Tun...

sedih sangat hati saya mendengar berita tadi... ada pulak saudara senegara yang terlibat... Ya Allah... hati ni rasa sangat sedih... saya doakan keselamatan mereka sahaja.

tapi apa yang amat menyedihkan adalah semestinya PBB dan OIC hanya akan bercakap sahaja tanpa ambil apa-apa tindakan.. seperti biasalah... begitu juga dengan negara2 Islam yang lain... semuanya akan berbisik-bisik sahaja... masing2 jaga kepentingan masing2...

cubalah semua negara2 islam di dunia ni bersatu untuk bela nasib saudara2 kita di Palestin... InsyaAllah akan terjamin mereka tu nanti... ni semuanya bagaikan gergasi didalam mimpi2 dan umpama sikerdil dalam ketakutan..

OIC jgn jadi pemerhati sahaja... bak kata kawan saya... patutlah depa tu tak buat apa, sebab boleh perati saja... (oh i see)... hmmm... OIC dan PBB patut bincang apa yang akan dilakukan dan terus ambil tindakan...

By hbsSporeAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:23 AM

Salam Tun,
Ini Yahudi Zionis sa-memang-nya telah melampau. Mereka begitu angkuh sekali tanpa menghidarkan kutukkan dari dunia lain.Kita sama2 doakan semoga Allah akan menghukum mereka yang berbuat kezaliman tanpa peri kemanusiana kepada orang2 yang hendak membuat kebaikan. Amiinn...

By sikenitAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:01 AM

Salam Tun and readers all,

1. What are the Israelis so afraid of???????

2. I only have this to say to them via Tun's blog:

a. Maybe you Israelis can shoot and kill all you want on this world, but in your book of religion you know there is life in the hereafter, and you definitely WILL HAVE TO ANSWER to ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY on your deeds.

b. On that Day of Reckoning, what will your answer be?

c. Do you really, honestly think your answer for this inhumane, cowardly and stupid killing will be accepted by ALLAH The GREAT?

Salam to all. May ALLAH The Benevolent have Mercy on those killed on board the flotilla.

Take care Tun and all, lets all be vigilant in our salat, for it is through salat and perseverance that we seek Allah's Help.


By Hanif WahidAuthor Profile Page on June 1, 2010 12:00 AM

4. What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity. ???

Tun, this book shall answer your question comprehensively... please spend some time to read it~

"An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age" by Imran Hosein


By BeanAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:46 PM

Israeli power are not really from Israeli country .... but from Israeli people from over the world .... so revise your target .... 'think outside box' ....

By nolAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:38 PM

salam dr M,

1.terima kasih dan syabas kerana berjaya update dan prihatin tentang flotilla yang menuju ke gaza.

2.negara2 lain dengan cepatnya menegaskan pendirian mereka tentang hal ini, iaitu membangkang sama sekali tindakan Israel yang tidak berperikemanusiaan itu. contoh negara ialah Turket, Sweden, Greek. namun, di manakah Malaysia? saya(dan saya yakin rakyat malaysia yang lain juga) menanti untuk mendengar pendirian kerajaan Malaysia.

3.Negara Turki sudah mula dengan demo dan protes mereka terhadap perkara ini. Negara kita masih nak 'argue' tentang judi bola sepak yang terang2 haram itu kah?

4.'update' tentang flotilla sangat lambat di Malaysia. 'main stream of media' di Malaysia tak cukup sumber kah? terpaksalah kami 'rely' on twitter, aljazeera n etc.

5.kata2 Dr M sangat lantang. lontarlah kata2 yang membangkitkan semangat supaya rakyat Malaysia bersatu dalam menentang tindakan tidak berperikemanusiaan ini.

semoga segala usaha kita diberkati Allah SWT.

By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:32 PM

Why didnt our PM condemn Israel like all other country leaders do? This issue were brought up by our opposition but I cant brush off the thought that they have a point there.

By ashburnadamAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:31 PM

Assalamualaikum w.r.t


I don't want to give long comment on the action taken by Israeli forces towards the convoy. It just I want to pursue the question on what will we do to save our heroes who are currently bullied by the inhuman, worst than animal, warmonger Israelis. Will we save our brave MP, our dear reporters, cameramen?

We as Malaysians and as Muslims hope there's an effort to save them. I believe all Malaysians are praying for their safety along the way from the homeland to Gaza and back to home. I believe that I am not the only one who hopes there will be a heroic effort to get them back home safely.

As we know, we have high quality commandos in our armed forces. I hope PASKAL (Pasukan Khas Laut) can carried out the duty to save them regardless any circumstances there. Our beloved Malaysians are in danger over there. Why do we always do numberless trainings but not to save them in the real situation? Please save them for the sake of humanity and peace.

I believe if our commandos can bring them back home safely, they're our real heroes. The ones who are being rescued also heroes, heroes of humanity. Even if the mission fails, it will leave the good psychology effect on the citizens that Malaysian government will not abandon its citizens even in a flying bullets situation. Otherwise, if there's no effort to save them, we as Malaysian will abandon the current government. I understand there will be many diplomatic issues, liability problems will entangle along the process, but we have to act fast. The more we wait, the more dangers await them. This is not an act to declare a war on Israel, it's just to save them from death; just like the doctors did to patients on the deathbed, same as we did to people who are almost die due to fire, drown and etc.

Secondly, we sent our Navy to escort our tankers off the coast of Somalia; Gulf Eden, but why not these peace missions be escorted by our own navy ships? I strongly recommended that the next peace missions to Gaza should be escorted by joined naval forces either they're from Royal Malaysian Navy, United Nations or other countries who support such a mission all the way from the designated port to Gaza and back to homeland. I believe the escort mission carried out by these joined naval forces could stop the Israeli Navy and Air Force from intercept the ships which are full of foods, clean waters, medicines, blankets, clothes and etc. I believe such a large fleet could protect all hands on board these ships. Such action could shows to the world especially to those Israeli punks how serious we are to carried out the duty of humanity to support the Palestinians.

By razakAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:29 PM

Assalammualaikum Ayahanda Tun dan Isteri,

Saya rasa marah dan sedih dengan tindakan kejam Israel terhadap kapal misi keamaanan yang membawa bekalan ubat-ubatan dan makanan kepada penduduk GAZA. Yang lagi menyedihkan adalah sebagai seorang umat Islam tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa apabila sesama umat dibunuh sewenang-wenangnya. Tetapi yang amat-amat menyedih dan mengazabkan adalah pertubuhan OIC hanya mampu membuat mesyuarat tergempar serta merta dan akhirnya mengeluarkan kecaman yang amat-amat keras. Itu saja yang mampu dibuat oleh OH I SEE. Liga Arab (Arab League) pula semakin sibuk dengan bolasepak piala dunia yang akan berlangsung 11 hari lagi. Kecamlah sekuat mana pun terhadap Israel, sudah tentu tidak akan mendatangkan apa-apa kesan kepada Israel tapi umat Islam di Palestin tetap mati setiap hari. Yang akan mendatangkan kesan kepada Israel adalah tindakan ketenteraan terhadap kapal-kapal perang, pesawat udara dan mengumpulkan seluruh kekuatan tentera islam dalam memerangi Israel. Itu akan mendatangkan kesan kepada Israel. Tapi, itu bukanlah realiti sebenar. Marilah kita berdoa semoga ALLAH S.W.T menimpakan bala tsunami atau gempa bumi terhadap bumi Israel. Wassallam.

By Rimba EmasAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:23 PM









By milshahAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 11:06 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,
I condem the israel attack on the peaceful convoi. Something must be done about Isael. Condemnation must be followed by actions. Let us set aside our differences. The international community must bring those involved in this attack to justice. For too long the international community has turned a blind eye towards Israel's agression. This aggression is spit in the face by Israel to the international community. They know the international community is powerless to stop them.The United States should no longer side with Israel if they still want be part of the international community and make allies with muslm nations. Malaysia as a leader among muslim must do something together with the United Nations, NAM and the OIC. Maybe oil can be use as weopon?This is the time to prove Malaysia does not kow tow to Western powers. I'm sure Mr Obama nowadays does not see eye to eye with Israel as they continue with the construction of new settlements. Everyone has a stack to take action against Israel.

By Ben TanAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:41 PM

Dear Dr Mahathir,

I am deeply shocked and outraged when I read the news today about the attack by Israel on the aid fleet. I share your concerns and questions as to why states like Israel are allowed to do whatever they want and not face any repercussions. The United States of America is currently the world's hegemony, thus I can understand as to why they manage to escape any justice being done. But what of Israel?

I am a 23 year old student of political science student in Canada, and I have always wondered why my passport (I am from Malaysia), do not allow access into Israel. In the past 2 years, I understood and agree with our policy that act as a boycott against Israel. I do have some questions for you, Dr Mahathir, is boycotting the only method of solution that we can employ in order to stop such aggression of an arrogant state or are there more effective methods? Do you see this attack as the tipping point for a change in the political arena in Middle East, or would the tension in that region last?

Thank you for your time.
Ben Tan

By amin tanAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:33 PM

Dear Tun,

In this issue I can see you are biased and one sided. In the continuing conflict between the two equally stubborn foes who are historically cousins, there is no point in taking side. Seemingly the israelis are atrocious and cruel but the vanquished are equally provocative. Look at the stated aim of Hamas. It is seeking the destruction of Israel. Surely anybody in the same position as Israel would stop the enemy by whatever means.

American invasion of Iraq and Afganistan is worse. Not only the wars are creating enmity among peoples and religions, they are creating recessions in America and Europe.

Similarly let us not promote racial enmity in Malaysia. Let us live in peace and harmony in our beloved Malaysia.

amin tan

By femalegentileAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:21 PM

The Israelis have confirmed my beliefs. They are nothing if not predictable. I hope with every breath in my body that the world reacts in unison against this Satanic state. Why are people so gullible that they will believe the lies put forward by this detestable country. I
They bomb, they kill, they lie after the effect as they did with Rachel Corrie and so many other activists who have died attempting to protect the human rights of the Palestinian people.

I have said this before and I shall say it again, the Israeli state is the lying, demonic, maniacal spawn of everything evil that has ever walked or crawled on this earth.

By orang kampungAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:20 PM

Salam Tun yang di hormati,

1. Sedih, risau dan marah perasaan orang yang membaca, mendengar dan melihat peristiwa ini.

2. Jika kita baca blog, facebook, ruangan bicara, berita, semua membincangkan perkara ini.

3. Liga Arab bercadang ber mesyuarat mengecam tindakan ini.

4. Pemimpin dunia pun mungkin akan mengecam perkara ini.

5. Mengapa semua orang "hanya" berupaya mengecam perkara ini.

6. Sedih, kecewa dan ter tanya-tanya.

7. Hebat sungguh kah Israel ini. Kebal sungguh kah Israel ini.

By lilimuchlisAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 10:13 PM

It is indeed amazing that the Israeli soldiers are able to (and arrogantly, in fact) do these hideous acts in "broad daylight" for the world to see. The "confidence" they possess as if only to prove that the "backings" they have of the western media not to consider these crimes as news worthy are still intact. I guess it is up for us to ensure that our media continue and will always be able to continue to report these crimes so that they will not be forgotten easily by the world. So that the world would be able to see and hear the other side of the story that needed (if not always, required) to be told.

By Objective QAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:40 PM

Al Salamu Alaykum Dear Dr. Tun Mahathir,

The sound of the Arab's Silence is deafening.

I am an Arab and I am speechless.

The sound of the Muslims's Silence is deafening.
I am a Muslim and I am speechless.

I point the finger at the man in the Mirror.

I blame the man in the Mirror.

God Bless Tun & Family
God Bless Malaysia
God Save the Umma

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:22 PM

Dear Ayahanda Tun,

It is obvious that the Israel Military Chief in Command did not want 700 outsiders from 50 nationalities providing aids to go near to Palestine.

Now, I believe the news free offered by the world claimed that Israel Military Force is keeping the largest quantity of war weapons illegally in Palestine.

The 4 Israel Armies were wounded because they tried to stop shootings and disobey the Israel Chief Commander? Israel is indeed controlled by the Military Force, who are their international proxies?

No one would ever want to invest in or visit to a country that is controlled by Central Military Force.....and this uncivilised attack has proven again in history that military force is not fit to govern a country, and they prefer to use force to control democracy.....

What will the PM of Israel do after this uncivilised attack?

If he and his men against such attacks openly, will they be re-elected?

What will Barrack Obama's next move since there are 3rd parties/forces out there do not want to see him succeeding in re-uniting Israel's Christians & Palestine's Muslims brothers and sisters peacefully, politically and economically.

Good night Ayahanda Tun.

By fzalAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:02 PM

Suddenly I feel that every Malaysians should be allowed to own a bullet proof vest and helmets (not to the extent of allowing guns though). It's just something defensive. We'll never know when they might strike.


By KholoudAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 8:01 PM

Dear Dr. Mahathir,,

Greetings from Palestine

First: I would like to express my huge respect to you and your great country, which i believe should be role model for the whole world

Second: I check your blog from time to time and i always get impressed by your patriotic feelings , not only regarding your country, but also for Muslims in general and Palestinians in Particular.I'm sure if we have a leader like yourself in Palestine , things will change.
I just came back from a demonstration arranged to express our sadness and anger ,,,, It really kills when knowing that you are helpless and have nothing to do. Just counting killed ppl and feeling sorry for their families and for us.

I always ask myself, will the time come when we can live without watching our relatives and friends get killed ?????And waiting for our time to come..... Because its only a matter of time.

God Bless you

By ADILAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:51 PM

Ini sesuatu yg amat dikesali dan tidak berperikemanusian jika AS atau UN tidak mengambil tindakan yg sewajarnya diharap negara-negara
lain seperti Rusia,China dan negara-negara Islam bertindak secepat


By jadiAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:46 PM

Dear Tun,

Not so surprised on the attacked by the Israelis commandos.

The United States now should realised that Israel and the Jews were the real sons of devils. They kill people like nobody's business.

Next time we should ask the Hezbollah to assist us. Well, you know that Hezbollah will retaliate if one of their man shot dead. They will bomb 100 rockets into Israel! and let Israelis stay in fear.

We dont want our people dead as 'mati katak'' Pity them, they just want to help.

My prayers to the deads and the remaining. Never retreat, never surrender.

By capello08Author Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:45 PM

Had it not because of the United States backing them up, the world would be a better place.

There will be some countries condemning this act, but to no avail.

Lets hope there are still people out there that will continue helping the Palestinians despite the risks, on grounds of humanitarian.

By tokapiAuthor Profile Page on May 31, 2010 7:35 PM

Salam Tok Det,

Sedih rasa hati bila mendengar perkhabaran ini.. nak pulak ada warganegara Malaysia yang terlibat dalam misi, termasuk Sdr Matthias Chang. Saya harap mereka selamat.

Apa lagi yang negara Islam tunggu... Sepatutnya mereka mengutuk kejadian ini.. Nota bantahan harus dihantar ke PBB atau US atau Israel sendiri.. Apa tunggu lagi? Mengapa harus berdiam diri?

Keberanian Israel menyerang di perairan antarabangsa adalah tindakan yang melampau... Adakah mereka ingin melihat tercetusnya perang dunia ketiga? Sekiranya Hezbollah bertindak balas, sudah tentu nahaslah Israel...

Diharapkan pihak Malaysia menghantar bantahan keras ke atas insiden ini melalui saluran undang-undang di PBB... Kalau x boleh saluran rasmi, boleh la buat macam zaman dulu2.. bagi duit taja mujahidin untuk hantar bekalan keperluan asas (bukan nak suruh pi berperang..)


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