Friday, November 13, 2009


11TH nOVEMBER 2009...??????

mY real LAST LAP WITH picture rendezvous was the 10th November 2009. My! Was I excited that day to share my shots of the fountain and what I captured at the park... ? It was my rare "morning stroll" which was supposed to be a jog or brisk walk. But none materialized. There was no jog. I was busy taking pictures, while Harith and his Mama were both having their normal walk...

Excited wasn't I? Yes indeed I was... the whole week I was receiving exciting news. I was rewarded with the most wonderful news in my entire life. On Sunday Harith's Mama decided to buy me a house, which is going to be next to hers in a newly developed township not too far from where we used to live three years back. MY! Was I lucky? Thank you Tasha, May Allah Bless you with Happy and successful life. Amin. You are indeed a Blessed Child.

Tuesday and Wednesday were the days for the whole clan to have flocked together to share each other's stories. Hafiz has just finished his Semester exam and had arrived by flight on a late Tuesday evening. Di had just went off to her campus for her normal lectures. No semester breaks for her. She is now , at this moment of writing, sleeping in a park somewhere within the City enjoying her curriculum camping in the "mud"... It's a survivor's camping which directly related to her nature of job (later) ... to rescue people by giving medical assistance in whatever "condition" the task requires.

Harith's Mama was back at work on Thursday. Not to loose the momentum of "walking" in the park, we (me, Harith and Hafiz) were fixing our jogging gears and getting ready to move to a bigger park. Just then, I was looking for a smaller cam that I used last Tuesday. It was not in my bag. So, probably I have left it on the table and my sil had kept it safe somewhere. I asked Tasha if she had kept it. Apparently, she did not. Anyway, we borrowed another one that belonged to my sil. This time, it's twice as expensive.

Out we went. Snapping here snapping there. A hundred over shots were taken between me and Hafiz. Night time came, it was confirmed that the other cam wasn't kept anywhere by anyone!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh GOSH! Where could it be?

Today, we drove out trying to trace where I had been the day before????? My first stop was the book shop in the campus buying some note books for my classes. Second was the shop selling beads stuff. My efforts went off fruitless...futile.... I came home trying my level best to recall what had happened, where was the cam all those while. The bag was large enough to hold it but I may have not put it properly right inside after using it (Tasha's theory).

So, no more shots from that little Canon IXUs...with the beige casing. Sob, sob, sob!
that was that! Losing the cam is one thing, forgetting something so important is another!

Now after receiving a note from Laura, about an award, suddenly I remember something else. I have not responded to an award given by GrandmaK on Friday the 30th of October... ops! See how time flies. I shall get back to them a little later as the task is heavy! I have to choose bloggers from my list to forward those rewards. AND they are really tough job to do. So, Laura and Cathy, please bear with me...

Meanwhile... I may just copy your postings on the rewards in my blog... I hope you won't mind....


Nazarina A said...

Wow! You are an extremely lucky lady to receive a house!!!!Congrats!!!!

RoyalTLady said...

Haiya Lady Naza!

Good to see you visiting me. Aren't you coming home to Malaysia at all? Or are you residing over there for good?

Yes, alhamdulillah syukur, thanks.

tip said...

Akm Emy, I'm so very happy for you.
may Allah bless your daughter.

RoyalTLady said...

Thanks TIP. I hope so too. She is a Blessed Child really.